“Hungarians are Trojan horses of the Russians” – Czechs and Poles boycott V4 meeting

Hungary is usually the last country to agree to EU sanctions packages. They ask for concessions and threaten not to support further sanctions. This is the view of the President of the Czech Chamber of Deputies. Slovakia cancelled the Visegrád 4 meeting.

“Because of Hungary’s energy policy, the European Union cannot have a unified position. The Hungarian government has a pro-Russian policy,” said Seznam Zprav. This is why Czechs are boycotting the upcoming meeting of V4 presidents in Bratislava.

Read alsoChinese secret police in Hungary

According to information from Slovak Napunk, the meeting has also been rejected by Markéta Pekarová Adamová, president of the Czech Chamber of Deputies, and Milos Vystrcil, president of the Czech Senate, who said it was a way of signalling their disagreement with the Hungarians.

According to diplomatic sources, the presidents of the two houses of the Polish parliament will not attend the meeting. Slovakia will, therefore, not hold the meeting as planned.

Mikulás Bek, the Czech minister for European affairs, says the Hungarian government was attracting more and more critics, rtl.hu reports.

Kövér László Egypt
Read alsoEgypt as a potential energy supplier for Hungary?

Source: Napunk, rtl.hu


  1. Isn’t that called “freedom” when someone can choose whom to support?
    Do you want dictatorship in Europe?

  2. Unless we only read and/or watch, media that is under the control of the Orban Government (direct, or indirect), we would know that the view of the President of the Czech Chamber of Deputies is absolutely correct.

  3. Ps. NO, NOT “Hungarians”, ONLY Viktor Orban and Fidesz.

    I feel that the wiriter may have purposefully composed the headline with such wording to make ALL Hungarian readers think that Markéta Pakarová Adamová is implying that ALL Hungarians are Trojan horses of the Russians.

    That part of the headline is with quotation marks, but I can’t see it’s attribution to anyone. So, did Markéta Pakarová Adamova ACTUALLY say that?

  4. Czech leftists and Polish in general as the Baltic states in general have to be cured from rusophobia. They hate waaay to much. Unless Trump comes back to power, these globalist puppet regimes will be always warmongering against Russia.

  5. Hungary – on and on it GOES – the DAMAGE on our Home SOIL of Hungary – by this Orban – his CREDITABITY – in Europe & Globally, has rightfully DISINTERGRATED – representing Russia as we know the “Puppet on a String” – that is Orban to Putins Russia.
    The message sent by – Czech & Poland – is of BLANTANCY to Orban – his government, that the Russian “love match” between Orban & Putin, that continues to GROW, this is OUR-Message to you Victor Orban, and to the European Union, Britain and the United States of America and the Global World – that Russia has NO place in our FUTURE Plans.
    Has the mirror commenced to Crack?
    Are the Oligarchs realizing through Orban the SHATTERING of his CREDITABILITY – he no longer is REALING that IMAGE able to PLAY the ROLE, they required played?
    Is the “sanctioned” media and press of Hungary – turning on the “destructor” of Democracy – our European Union Membership in GRAVE doubt of its FUTURE – and the COLLAPSING of our Economy?

  6. Great. If they love putler so much, they should leave the EU and NATO and go back to the ruzzian sh!thole

  7. Yes, “Puck Futin” 😀 😀 😀 -Just what some of us are too polite to say.

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